The Garden Chapters

  1. Spring ‘24

    2024-07-14 20:57:41 UTC
    The front borders And there she was - Spring! There was bird song, lambs bleating, the pitter patter of rain and colour poured out from everywhere. The front borders were woven with precious jewels, tulips, cobalt anemones, shining narcissi, gently nodding fritillaries, sweet muscari, amongst a structure of topiary, ferns,…

  2. Winter ‘23 and ‘24

    2024-03-04 20:44:28 UTC
    Winter has been very wet, and still is very wet. December was very tiresome as usual - the short days and busyness of Christmas. There’s never much room for garden things or even thinking about garden things. But then February comes, the garden awakens with birds singing and jewels of…

  3. Autumn ‘23

    2023-12-17 13:13:00 UTC
    Autumn is the time when I pick absolutely everything - the cosmos, chocolate, apricot, lemonade, cobalt blue salvias and cornflowers, scabiosa, zinnias - all of the last flowers.   I’ve always found Autumn’s changing light more beautiful than Summer’s - it’s another reason to look forward to Autumn. The colours shift…

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